For those who are interested only in the restoration or maintenance
of their hobby car, the car club meetings and activities are venues for the exchange of information and recounting experiences
with their cars.
For those who wants to engage in motorsports, aside from this exchange
in knowledge, you can save on time, trying out technical modifications. What you want, or plan to do with your car might have
already been tried by other members and found to be ineffective or impractical. They can give you advice, tips and pointers.
You will benefit from the organizational setup and logistic support
of the club when joining motorsports events. You need the backing of a club to voice your opinion or ideas, present proposals
to any particular motorsports governing body.
We in the VW club take pride in our resources. We have the VW notables
in our midst. These restorers, competition buffs, experts, and parts suppliers knows their business, and appreciates VW’s.
The owner of the fastest drag racer in the Philippines has conducted
for the club, a seminar on the preparation of a drag racing car. We can repeat this workshop as needed. He has pledged to
help us in the actual preparation of the cars.
We have members who can restore your vintage VW or prepare a drag,
slalom or circuit car, advise you in getting your car ready for slaloms , and give you pointers on actual circuit racing.
We like our cars, not only to run well, but also to look very good.
We have members whose shops can restore your VW’s to concours class. There is a member who could teach you on how to
go about fabricating impossible to locate parts.
We have members who can source and supply you with any body, mechanical
or electrical spare parts and accessories you need from abroad.
Some of our members own VW specialty shops so that there is no problem
getting the right mechanics and technicians. The owners themselves are involved in motor racing activities. You can count
on the wealth of experience they have.
The Volkswagen is the most written about car. There are several
hundred VW enthusiast books, technical books, catalogs, literature, official service manuals available. There are also several
dedicated VW magazines published monthly. We at the club, have a combined collection of hundreds of them including rare ones.
We share this literature we each other.
For those who would want to participate in some serious racing we
have commitments from reputable shops, to sponsor us or give substantial discounts for their services.
From the general membership, you can get that much needed moral
support. They will be present in numbers to lend a hand to a VW Club member participating in behalf of the club or as a club
We will push through with our plan, to have the circuit driving
clinic, so that the members can get their racing licenses.
Because we Volkswagen owners love driving our cars, even the "Bug-runs"
are planned to include long straights, hill climbs and twisting roads to further develop our driving skills.
Depending on the degree of interest, most members, after a year
or two of active participation, becomes virtual VW encyclopedias. They know where to get which part from where. They know
which part fits which model. They know which parts are interchangeable or upgradeable.
After a while the quality and performance demanded and expected
by the more senior members from their cars, rub off on them. They become experts, they become more meticulous and demanding.
We meet on Saturdays usually at
9:00 P.M. at the Sunshine Blvd. Parking lot on Quezon Ave. (Klownz Bar area).
Tambay at Bacolod Grill for the meeting.You will not miss it. You will see a lot of VW's.
Feel free to park your VW there and approach any VW Club Member. Better yet, attend the meeting so you can have an insight
of the Club activities. Everybody will welcome your presence.